Monday, September 20, 2004

First Day (and catching up)

Yes, I'm already awake. And I have been for about an hour. I got up about 1/2 hour ago. I suppose I'm anxious about starting the new/old job again. I guarantee that there are going to be some odd moments. Maybe some of them will be worth sharing. I know you're all (ha - like there are enough people reading to say "all") sitting on the edge of your seat waiting.

I really enjoyed last week. I think it was good to take some time off to clear my head. I didn't get everything on the to-do list done, but that's fine. It felt good to check so many things off. I was caught up on the ironing, but then I did more laundry yesterday. There are fewer than ten pieces that I vow to iron tonight. Then I might make it to some closet organizing.

We went to the outlet malls in San Marcos on Saturday. I'm most excited about my shoe purchases. I had intended to get some clothes for work, but was irritated that a particular size didn't fit quite right and didn't buy any new pants. I'm hoping to start going for walks / going to yoga / doing some other sort of cardio again soon. It's gotten to the point where I feel big... not a fun feeling.

Oh - and I seem to have abandoned the September Challenge. I didn't have too much trouble finding an example of kindness each day. I had trouble remembering it to post it. And, I felt like that was all I was posting.

Gonna go try to take a 20 min power nap. Happy Monday!


Blogger Unknown said...

I can't believe you were up so early! Can't wait to hear about the interesting moments back at 'Said Company'

10:51 AM  

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