Monday, November 29, 2004

Long Weekend - Hurrah!

I think the thing that I am most thankful for this year at Thanksgiving is the four-day-weekend that we had. It gave me time enough to make a trip to the Dallas area and come back in time to still feel like we had a weekend here.

We left the house by 8:30 on Thursday morning and made it to my Aunt and Uncle’s in good time. My cousins and their wives, my Grandmother, and my Aunt’s mother (who I thought was also my grandmother until I was about 5 years old) were all there and we all behaved so well. Oh yeah – and my cousin’s 3 year old daughter too. We ate too much, talked about nothing and then headed back to Granny’s house. She doesn’t drive in the dark anymore, so the HUSband drove her car and I followed in mine. We stayed up too late chatting and slept in a bit on Friday. Granny made biscuits and bacon for us Friday morning. Yum! There’s a bit of sadness in me as I think of the fact that she now makes the bacon in the microwave and the biscuits from a tube. I remember the days when she’d make the biscuits from scratch and the bacon on the stove just swimming in grease. And the coffee can full of drippings under the sink. Did she ever actually re-use the drippings?

We came back to Austin Friday just in time to watch the last quarter to the A&M/UT game. I couldn’t watch though. It made me sad. So, we rented The Day After Tomorrow. Good enough flick to keep me from falling asleep.

Saturday we cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. I even dusted the ceiling fans. I need to remember to do that more frequently. They’ve been on the whole summer, so my excuse is that I don’t seem to notice the dust when they’re spinning around. That night we went to dinner with my Dad and his wife at our favorite Indian restaurant. The HUSband and I both tried dishes we hadn’t had before and liked them.

The highlight of Sunday was that we got the wireless router all set up! I was chatting with friends last night in front of the TV. This means that I will need to be more disciplined about the amount of time I spend on the computer at home. I also made some progress on my Christmas Cards. I realized that I don’t have the HUSband’s family’s info in my PDA, so now I have another project.

I had strange dreams last night and woke up at 7:22 realizing that I forgot to set the alarm. I wish I could have had just one more day to sleep in. What a great weekend!


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