Thursday, February 24, 2005

Promises, Promises

I think I promised that I would write something yesterday. Alas, it didn’t happen. Seems as though life just gets away from me sometimes. I can’t report anything grand that’s been going on in my life lately. I went to Dallas over the long weekend with a stop in College Station on the way (and yes, I know it isn’t exactly on the way, long story). Was good to see a friend, my mother and my grandmother. And it was incredibly nice to have Monday off as a holiday. Had I made it back to Austin sooner in the day, it would have felt more like a real day off, but I can’t complain.

Work has been super busy, in a good way. That’s pretty much all I can say about that since I’ve been working on a super-secret-code-named project. Other good work news is that my new laptop arrived Tuesday. It is amazingly fast and fun. And, it is actually light enough to carry around. The old one was 5+ years old and a BRICK.

Going to lunch today with Dad and his wife. The HUSband’s parents are stopping through Austin tonight on their way to Phoenix. Lots of Family Time. I suppose that’s a good thing too, right?


Blogger That Girl said...

Family time is a good thing... as long as you like the family. :)

11:37 AM  

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