Thursday, August 12, 2004

August Happiness #12

Our friend "Bear" is visiting for the night. HUSband knew him long ago when they both worked together. I was very confused the first time I met him. I couldn't understand why we supposed to call this short Mexican person "Bear."Well, turns out that's his last name. Who woulda thought? Anyway, he's here for the night and we went out to Berryhill and saw the sunset and I had some margaritas. Sunsets and margaritas go nicely together, I've decided.*

* I realize that my father's grammar has rubbed off on me when I write/say sentences like that. By "that" i mean putting the verb at the end. It's so obvious sometimes that he learned Spanish and English simultaneously. It's also more consistent with Japanese grammar, which I tend to slip into when slightly intoxicated.


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