Thursday, August 12, 2004

more work musings

I've had a couple of conversations over the last few days that have really bothered me. Of course, I have to nod and act like I agree. Well, I feel like I have to. I suppose I don't, but that would likely be frowned upon. The general theme is that we don't tolerate "average performers" at Current Company. We expect people to go above and beyond if they are to be rewarded. In general, I think that's a reasonable standpoint. But I have seen cases recently where being average doesn't just mean that you're not rewarded, it also means that you are reprimanded. Reprimanded for "meeting expectations"? What sort of mind games are we playing with people? "You meet expectations, but that's not good enough." I don't think I can pretend that I agree with that for much longer. I'm so looking forward to the fact that there may be other career opportunities out there for me.


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