Saturday, September 25, 2004

My Keep

While I'm enjoying the new/old job so far, I don't feel like I'm earning my keep just yet. I'm sure that will come soon. It has been wonderful to be back among a group of people that know and like and respect me. It is an odd group, that's for sure. There is at times this false level of closeness... but at the end of the day, I know that these women really care about eachother. That makes such a difference.

I need to start making myself get up earlier and get to work earlier. The commute is not much different. But b/c of the location, many people choose to go in early and leave early. We live close enough that I don't have to work an altered schedule to avoid traffic. Problem is that when I show up at 8:30, there are some that have been there for two hours already. I'm not about to start getting there at 6:30. Maybe I can at least commit to getting out of bed by 6:30.

Fun news on the blogging front: I spilled the beans about my blog to one (more) of my real-life pals. It went well. She had been keeping a blog, not enabled with comments and not frequently updated. On Wednesday, she added comments and changed templates. Many of our other real-life friends know of her blog, but she understands my hesitancy in coming out of the blog-closet. I don't know quite why I am nervous about it. Anyone out there reading this that has gone through the same decision process? If so, did you ultimately decide to share or not? What were your reasons?

I finished reading a book (Colony Girl) today. I have a whole shelf on the bookshelf in our bedroom of the books I am going to read. It has gotten to the point where I am turning offers of loaned books down. I have great difficulty not finishing books I've started. What are you reading? Would you suggest it to others? How do you decide what to read next?

I'm off to put away the 7 pairs of shoes that were scattered throughout the house earlier today. They had to be picked up so the HUSband could vacuum. But, now they're all on my side of the bed.

Happy Saturday Night!


Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with Donna about having control over who gets to see that you keep a blog. While most things out there aren't earthshattering or offensive to anyone, perception is your reality so there's always that possibility. (Which is why I don't tell my boyfriend I keep one...)

2:39 PM  

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