Friday, October 22, 2004

Mom Update

Mom’s still in the hospital. Still in a shared room. The part about sharing a room is driving my Grandmother nuts. It turns out that the only way to determine if a person has Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is to test for antibodies after the patient has healed. Who knew? She is exhibiting the symptoms and responding to the treatment as though she does actually have it, but they’re not certain.

I found out Tuesday night that she had some fluid in her lungs (and was on oxygen) and that her kidneys were being closely monitored. I was assured that I shouldn’t be overly alarmed. I decided to come up to Dallas after all. I left work early on Wednesday and worked from home for a bit, then headed north. Went to see her at the hospital and then went to Granny’s to stay the night. My company has an office in Irving that I’ve been able to work from yesterday and today. Little do they know that most of the work I’ve been doing has been reading blogs.
Mom slept through the night on Wednesday night and almost all day yesterday. Granny just called from the hospital and said that she’s tired again today. I’m skipping out of here in about thirty minutes or so.


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