Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Insurance Woes

I knew that changing jobs would mean changing insurance, but I forgot how painful that process is. I started working here on 9/20. As of yesterday, the new (old) insurance carrier didn’t have our information. Of course, I had to go through crazy automated menus on the phone before I could get to a real person. Since I’ve had this coverage before, they were able to bring up my record - - and then there was this pause and realization that their system showed that my coverage ended in February 2003.

The HUSband has a procedure scheduled for Friday and the provider needed to confirm benefits. I called the Service Center to ask that my information be manually transmitted to the carrier. Having to go through the motions is frustrating to me. When I originally came to work here, I was a benefits specialist and did exactly what I was asking be done for me. In 2000/2001 benefits administration was centralized (moved from divisional to corporate) and I took on a new role. Yesterday, I really wished that I still had the authority to contact the carrier directly (and the current contact information for the carrier). It only took two phone calls, but it is now resolved.

The provider called this morning and confirmed that we have coverage. The meds will ship from Houston today and will be at our house in time for Friday’s ordeal. Hooray.

I haven’t tackled the Dental coverage yet. And yes, the HUSband has a cleaning scheduled for tomorrow. What fun!


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