Saturday, August 14, 2004

August Happiness #13

Yesterday's happy moment was coming home to a cleaner house than when I left Friday morning. HUSband had cleaned the kitchen, done a bit of laundry and vacuumed.

My cousin and his wife stopped in Austin to have dinner with us on their way to a weekend getaway in New Braunfels. There was a big back-up on the highway around Temple, so they didn't end up getting here 'til after 8:00 even though they left Dallas about 3:30. I had planned to leave work at a decent time, but got stuck pulling reports for someone and didn't leave 'til 6:15.

Other good news is that the phone screen with Big Computer Company went well and I'll likely be asked to come in for an on-site interview. I don't know if I really want to work there, but it's worth exploring. I have a little bit of resentment towards BCC since my father lost his job there in 2002. His whole department was essentially outsourced to India. He knows I'm interviewing there and is supportive - - which I'm thankful for.


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