Friday, October 29, 2004

The Mind Runs Wild

I’m hesitant to post about work situations, but I’ve just got to get this one out. So, there’s this woman who works here (you’re smart people, you probably could have guessed that). She assumed much of my prior role when I left this company in February of 2003. I am now in a different role and it is sometimes odd to see her doing what I once considered to be my responsibility. I’m sure it is odd for her as well.

Her extended family lives out of state. Apparently there were lots of BIG BAD THINGS happening among the extended family and she had to take a couple of weeks off over the summer and “go home.” This was all going on about the same time that I began conversations about returning to work here. At one point, it was thought that she might not return and I might slide back into my old role/her current role. She came back, I was rehired to do something different.

I want to make it very clear that I do not wish her any ill will and am perfectly happy doing what I do rather than what she does. Sometimes though, I have to wonder why this woman has not been fired. Yesterday was one of those days.

The Chili Cook-off began 4:00. Set up began at 3:00. The trophies needed to be picked up. So did the beer and sodas. She’s nowhere to be found. Phone calls are placed. Phone calls are not returned until 12:30. By that time, others had scrambled to make plans and gotten everything covered. The VP’s husband picked up the trophies. Uh, yeah – you read that right. We called around to some places we’ve ordered beer from in the past to find out if they had an order from her. Found the beer and found someone in Facilities with a truck to take another co-worker to pick up the beer. Found the card of the person that was coming from a charitable organization to judge the event - - contacted her to confirm. I think all the chaos was transparent to the employees. I hope so.

There was also a fire drill scheduled in the morning. She’s the point of contact for our floor and also the HR point of contact for Security in the organization of the whole evacuation program. Needless to say, she missed that too.

I think there’s more going on in her life than we all know, or care to know. She says she had a migraine yesterday. I suspect depression or marital problems. I have no idea and it really isn’t any of my business. But, if you need to be on FMLA, take it. And unless you are on an approved leave, step up to the plate and at least BE at work when you’re expected to be. Or call, for fuck’s sake.


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