Thursday, July 28, 2005

Coming Out & Carrying On

I went to lunch today with a friend and actually felt comfortable telling her about my blog. She's going though something that another blogger is and I found myself telling her all about reading this other woman's blog. Too funny. Then when she asked if I had my own, I couldn't fake it. Welcome to my blog, M. Hope you enjoy it.

Now there are 3 real life people that I know that know about my blog. One of them is no longer speaking to me.... long story there. Funny thing is that I know there's one more person out there that's reading, but I don't think this person knows I know s/he is reading. Ah, the complications of blogging and trying to decide how public you want to be about it.

I've also decided that I should be doing this more often. I started last year mostly because Donna was doing it. I was also in a really bad place at my job at the time. And then there was the August Happiness Challenge of 2004. It seemed like a good exercise for me. And I think I'll do it again. Care to join me?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love your post -- I'm not sure how much to write here as I don't know if it will show up on your blog.. I better close now and check it out!

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blog, don't blog. Share, don't share. Slip, and tell someone you didn't mean too. That's the Blogosphere Shuffle, baby!


1:59 AM  
Blogger Constance Squared said...

It's hard to walk that line, that's for sure. I often can't be a frank and candid as I would like to be, simply because of family members that read my blog. Sometimes it makes me want to move to a more private place and only tell a select few about it.....

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read it too! There - does that make 4 now?

2:01 PM  
Blogger Sarah Barah said...

Hello, Karin! I suppose that my readership is slowing growing. And the friend that I mentioned in this original post has only logged on the one time, best I can tell from my sitemeter sleuthing.

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I logged on again! and someday I'll get my own.. I am thinking november... :)

3:52 PM  

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