Friday, May 27, 2005


Hooray for Friday. Hooray for a long weeeknd.
It looks like we'll be heading to the in-laws tomorrow and coming back Sunday. The HUSband has to work on Monday, but might try to make it a short day. There's also a chance that my Mother and Grandmother will be coming to Austin on Sunday and leaving Monday or early Tuesday morning. I'm hoping to work some relaxation time in at some point - - or at least time to read the last 75 pages of a book that I started while traveling for work last week. Airports and airplanes are great places for me to get some reading done. What are your plans for the weekend?

Also, can you help me out and give me some safe topics to post about? I don't want to write too much about work or family issues......... and those seem to be the things that always come to mind. Send a question or two or three my way and I'll find something to say about almost any topic.

Monday, May 23, 2005


It is performance appraisal time around here, and I get to review some of them. I came across this gem last week and had to share it with you: " [employee name]'s customer service skills are acceptional." What I wouldn't do to have acceptional skills! Even worse? This made it through two levels of management before landing in my inbox.

On another note - - I know I've been away for a while. Nothing much has begged to be written about. Other than the girls cruise a couple weeks ago. Incredible Fun. Good Times. Perhaps I'll write some about that later in the week.