Thursday, June 09, 2005

Odd Habit

I've been reading the obituaries from my hometown lately. Each day as I check out updated blogs, I eventually checking out the obit section of the online version of my hometown's paper.

A friend of the family, who was also our family doctor, died recently. Since my parents' divorce, his wife is one of the few people that still keeps rather constant contact with my mom. When I arrived at my mom's house (she now lives elsewhere) on the day before Mother's Day, she was on the phone with her friend. She had called to say that she had just come back from Jim's funeral and was so sorry that she hadn't called earlier in the week when he passed away. Almost instinctively, I went to the paper's website to find his obit. I thought to myself that I should check it often so such a situation could be avoided in the future.

But yesterday, as I was looking at the listing of life's accomplishments, loved ones gone before and loved ones left behind, I stopped and wondered to myself how I will feel when I come across a name I know. Maybe I'd rather learn of the passing of someone else another way. I'm feeling more and more detached from the place I called home for over 20 years and am not certain I will learn another way. There's no good way to learn of a death anyway.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Update of Sorts

Crash was a hit! HA - I'm so funny, aren't I? Seriously, the HUSband and I went with 3 of our friends and only one person in the whole group didn't like it. What I really liked was that it didn't seem preachy or attempt to provide answers to all the issues that were presented. I do agree that it was a bit contrived in some parts, but overall seemed to be plausible.

The rest of the weekend was relaxing. Some running of errands, doing of chores, washing of cars (by the HUSband), and cooking of food. I made dinner for my dad and his wife and took it over there on Sunday evening. She had surgery on her shoulder last Friday and seems to be healing well.

A friend is coming from Dallas and will stay with us tonight, tomorrow night and Thursday night. Thankfully, he isn't one that I feel I need to go to heroic efforts to clean the house for when he comes to visit. Then we leave Friday mid-day to go to the HUSband's parents' house for the beginning of the pre-wedding festivities. Oh, I just realized that I may not have mentioned that the HUSband's sister is getting married on Saturday.

Friday, June 03, 2005

it's got to get better

You'd never know it was Friday the way my morning started.

I'm wearing the third top I put on this morning. The was so first that you could see the embroidered flowers on my bra - not so good. The second (although black), had some sort of stain on my right boob. So, I settled on a purple/magenta short sleeve sweater that is honestly a little too faded, but it's casual Friday, so why not?

I couldn't find the shoes I wanted to wear. The HUSband was still sleeping, so I couldn't turn on the light and the bedroom and search thoroughly.

Then the cat threw up in the hallway and woke up the HUSband. I let him (the cat, silly - not the HUSband) drink straight from the faucet in the bathroom sink as I was getting ready this morning instead of filling the bottom of the sink with a pool for him to drink from. Twisting his head just so to get it out of the faucet directly must cause the water to go down the wrong way or something.

Silver lining: since the HUSband was awake, he was able to join in the great shoe search and found them!

Oh - to top it all off - the traffic this morning was the worst it has been all week. WTF?

The Friday lunch group at work is headed to Pei Wei shortly - yea! And we're going to see Crash tonight at the Alamo. See? There are already two good things happening to balance out my not so great morning.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Welcome to Your Life

there's no turning back..... brought to you by Launchcast radio.

There are times when I feel that life is getting away from me, but thankfully today is not one of those days. I don't have any meetings on my calendar today or tomorrow, my boss is on vacation, her boss is at a some Executive Management "meeting" in which annual bonuses are distributed. The size of those bonuses are at least my annual salary in some cases.

The long weekend was good for me. We went to visit the HUSband's parents on Saturday and came back on Sunday. His sister and her fiance came as well. The wedding is in two short weeks! The HUSband had to work on Monday, so I had the day to myself. I slept in a little, read some of a book, did some laundry, cleaned the bathrooms, dusted all but the family room and guest room, swiffered and vacuumed. I also managed to fit lunch with my dad and his wife in.

Since we got DirecTV a couple months ago, we've had all the movie channels for free and have TiVoed a ton of them. We watched Secret Window on Sunday and I watched Moulin Rouge Monday. I wish I wouldn't have figured out the twist in Secret Window as early as I did..... all in all, a good movie, though. Moulin Rouge held my attention for the first 45 min or so, but then I was ready for it to be done and a bit tired of all the pop music.

Yoga tonight - - and maybe a short walk around the lake before if I have time.

Happy almost Friday!